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  • Communications
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  • About Us
  • Sheriff's Office - CommunicationsSheriff's Office Emergency Communications Center

    Currently our Emergency Communications Center has a manning table of 16 employees. We have one Communications Supervisor, three Communications Shift Supervisors, and twelve Communications Specialists.

    The Telecommunicators handle approximately 163 to 165 thousand calls per year. They handle different types of calls, from burglar's breaking into homes, to person's needing basic assistance in how to handle a small problem. They handle a variety of emergency and non-emergency calls.

    El Paso County is approximately 1,058 square miles with more than 700,000 residents. Our 9-1-1 Center is a Secondary PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point). The El Paso Police Department is the Primary PSAP who forwards the 9-1-1 callers in the County to our 9-1-1 Center. These calls are forwarded to our center by use of advanced technology.

    The majority of the El Paso Law Enforcement agencies are using a CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system that is all tied into the new 9-1-1 Center via dedicated lines. This system allows us to contact these agencies via this advanced technology. What use to take several minutes to contact another agency, now takes a matter of seconds to accomplish. In the event of a major disaster at either 9-1-1 center, each operating center has the capability to immediately take over calls for the other center that is experiencing the emergency.

    The El Paso Police Department transfers the 9-1-1 callers to our 9-1-1 Center so that emergency services can be sent immediately. This system also allows us to have contact with the field officers via an MCT (Mobile Computer Terminal) that the officers have in their units.

    The Sheriff's Office 9-1-1 Center handles calls from the surrounding Incorporated Towns and Communities of Anthony, Vinton, Horizon, Clint, San Elizario, and Fabens. The Center also dispatches Police and Fire units from these Incorporated Towns. The Center is responsible for paging out the Volunteer Fire Departments and Life Ambulance.

    The Sheriff's Office Communications Section was awarded the C.A.L.E.A. Accreditation March of 2008. (Click on "C.A.L.E.A." to read more on the Accreditation.)

    These are just a few of the things that the employees of the Communications Section do for the Sheriff's Office and the El Paso Community. Visit our "Activities" page for more employee activities.

    Thank you for visiting our web page. Click on the different pages to the left to see more information.

  • Luis Moreno Jr.
    Communications Manager

    Cassandra Cristan

    Pearl Patterson

    Mary Gallegos

    Luis Romero

    Zoraida Rodriguez
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