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  • Volunteering
  • Helping to make our County crime free is the responsibility of every citizen. The Volunteer Program provides opportunities for concerned citizens to take an active part in the community. Your role as a Sheriff's volunteer, if approved, will provide valuable assistance to the Sheriff's Office and to all the citizens of El Paso County.
  • Please know that the Sheriff's Office recognizes the importance and value of its volunteers and appreciates the time freely given to improve the efficiency of its operation.
  • Every effort will be made to assign you to a work area and duties compatible with your interest, skills, locality, and time available.
  • When people share a purpose and work together, progress is made.
  • Ron Murphy
    Volunteer Coordinator
  • Volunteer Program Application
  • What We Do
  • The El Paso County Sheriff's Office (EPCSD) Volunteer Program in a community service organization dedicated to assisting the EPCSD in its fight against crime.
  • When We Do It
  • The EPCSD is a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week organization; so EPCSD Volunteers help days, nights, and weekends. If you can find the time, we can find a rewarding task for you.
  • How We Do It
  • If you can answer a phone, place a call, type a letter, file a report, give a speech, enter data into a computer or any of a hundred routine office tasks, we need you. Give EPCSD Volunteers a call at (915) 538-2116
  • Why We Do It
  • EPCSD Volunteers make El Paso a better place to live by donating their spare time to the community. Some gain career enhancing college credit or work experience while helping in the fight against crime.
  • Where We Do It
  • EPCSD Volunteers help out at the Academy, the Substations and Sheriff's Office. We're in your part of town. Join us.
  • Who Does It
  • EPCSD Volunteers are housewives, students and teachers, working and retired people, professionals, blue collar workers and disabled people. People just like you who are at least eighteen years old.
  • We encourage senior citizens, no age limit, to volunteer. We ask you to please help us so we, in turn, can help you. Together we will make El Paso County a safer, better place to live.
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